14th of February_Premiere HYO_Dance performance_Inkonst_Malmø_SE

27th of February_Skræk festival_Odense_DK

9th of March_LydLIG Festival_Odense_DK
TBA April_Concert_Copenhagen _DK
TBA June Austria 


3rd of February_CTM Festival, Radial System_AV performance“Weaving Fields”_Berlin_DE
3-4th of February_the Dome under Film Festival_Mirrored Madness_360* DOME AV_Melbourne_AU
9th of February_Munich AV performance “Weaving Fields”_DE
3-5th of March_12th IFSV DomeFest_Mirrored Madness_360* DOME AV_Galaxcity (Tokyo)
19th of April_29th of September_Maritime Museum of Finland in Kotka_ FI
26th of April_DonauFestival_AV performance “Weaving Fields”_AUT
17th of May_Installation_Stockholm_SE
26-29th of May_Halle Theater_DE
20th of July_Sonic Picnic, Ystad, Sweden_SE
9th August “Coexistence”_BBC Symphony Orchestra_Conducted by Dalia Stasevska_Released digitally “Dalia’s Mixtape”
22th of August_Glyptoteket_STRØM Festival_DK
30th of August_INOTA Focus_Inota Former Thermal Power Plant_Budapest_HUNG
5th of October_Venice Biennnale for Music_Venice_IT
6th of October_Support AUTECHRE_VEGA_CPH_DK
1st of November_Amager Electronics_Kvarterhuset_CPH_DK
8-9th of November_MIRAFestival_Mirrored Madness_360* DOME AV_Barcelona_SP
09th of November_No more Babies_Sydhavenen Theater_CPH_DK
16th of November_Sonic Territories_Austria_AUT
16th of November - 31st of August 2025_The Maritime Museum in Göteborg_SE
16th of December Living Labyrinth release - 3D Interactive immersive experience
21st of December_Bratislava_TBA


28th of January_H15_Copenhagen DK
26th of January_Autor/EMD_Talk DK
11th of March_Pleasure Control Planetarium CPH DK
13th of May_Frequenz Festival Kiel DE
02nd of June_Sonic Picnic_Malmø SE
6th of June_FMR23 Linz Austria AUT
23rd of June_Saalmitte – 6* festival Bayreuth DE
21st of July_Øhavet Festival_Ærø DK
4th of August ˌriː.kəˈnekt / festival Hamm DE
14th of August_VR OPERA_Copenhagen Opera Festival DK
23rd of Augst_Sabotage Festival RO
28th of August_GRASP_Roskilde DK
19th of September_VR OPERA_Aarhus Musikhus DK
30th of September_Lunchmeat Festival_AV Premiere w. Sybil Montet_Prague CZ
1-5th of Nov Nordic Film Days_Mirrored Madness 360* DOME AV Lübeck DE
Novenmber NEOSHIBUYATV, Shibuya crosssing and area, Tokyo JP
11th of Nov Ørestad Sound & Science Festival_CPH DK
16th of Nov Amager Electronics_Kvarterhuset_CPH DK


22nd of January_The village Underground_London UK
2nd of February CTM Festival A2 DE
4th of February talk/workshop Beats by girls DK
18th of February Jazzfestival_Copenhagen DK
7 th of May Aarhus Symphony Orchestra _Musikhuset_Aarhus DK
7th of July Norberg Festival SE
12th of August T31 Festival Kraftwerk Berlin DE
25th of August Melancholia, Aarhus Theater DK
23rd of September Das Werk_Vienna AUT
1st of November Nordic Council Award show, Helsinki FI
4th of November Uppsala Konsert & Kongress SE
22nd of November Aarhus Symphony Orchestra – Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl – Nielsen Honorary Award  – Composer 2022 DK


January till Nov – Installation Maritime Museum of Denmark, Helsingør_DK
August till September Zurich Interactive Installation Richter Museum_CH
10th September Alice, Concert with transducer walls_DK
11th September SPOR Festival, Radar_DK
11-12th October Vibrant Matter, Live Performance, Koncertkirken_DK
22th October Proton, Pumpehuset_DK
30th October EKKO Festival, Bergen – Commission “Resist this change is to resist the essence of existence”_NO
18th November Soundtrack Cologne – Talk_DE
20th December Intonal – Commission “Resist this change is to resist the essence of existence”_SE


6th Jan – 31st of January Futura X – Performance on stage, Copenhagen
8th February Berlin Philharmonie, STROM Festival
DK TOUR February Remix Project – 6 venues in DK
24th February Harpa Film Prize
11-20th June Anonymous Mesh – Dance Performance, Choreographer Tina Tarpgaard
12th August Strøm Festival
24th August Carl Prize show
29th of August, Radar, Aarhus - Commission “Resist this change is to resist the essence of existence”_DK
14-17th October Vibrant Matter, CPH Volume,Performance, Choreographer Sophia Mage
26th November Århus Musikhus


8th February Kisloty, St. Petersborg, Russia
9th February Inversia Audio Visual Festival, Murmansk, Russia
10th May Forbrændingen Audio Visual Concert, DK
24th July Krake Festival, Berlin DE
9th August Strøm Festival, Copenhagen DK
31st August Berlin Atonal Festival, Berlin DE
7th September Århus Festuge, DK
20th September, Warehouse Project …..APHEX TWIN invites, Manchester UK
20th September premiere at Royal Theater ‘Symposion’ Platon DK
05th October ‘Proxy’ premiere dance performance at Norrdans, Sweden – with tour SE
12th October Acusmatic Concert, Malmø, SE
19th October ADE, Amsterdam, Holland NL
5th November Concerthall DR, Copenhagen DK
22nd November Le Zoo, Switzerland CH
14th December, Ved siden af, Copenhagen DK


27th January, Pumpehuset, Cph, coll. with Bjørn Svin
30th March, Platform 4, Aalborg, coll. with Bjørn Svin
28th April, Radial system V, F(t) Festival,  Berlin
3rd May, Spaniens 19 c, Spor Festival, Installation, “White Sun”, Århus, DK
12th May, Nuits Sonores, Lyon, France
19th May, Click Festival, Helsingør, DK
26th May, Transmetro, Cph.
1st June, Klang Festival, with Copenhagen Pianoquartet
16th June Radar, Århus, DK
22nd June Klub Føniks, Oslo, Norway
21st July Visio Festival Helsinki
4th August ADE, KATHARSIS, Amsterdam
25th August Oscillate, Berlin
27th August ‘Death to Truth of Beauty’ – 23 September. Performance on stage, Copenhagen
29th September Inkonst, Malmø
27th October Semibreve, Portugal
02nd November Innsbruck, Austria, P.M.K.
16th Nov Backslash Festival, Zurich23rd Nov Herrensauna, Tresor, Berlin
24th Nov Szpitalna 1, Krakow, Poland


21st January Premiere Theater Betty Nansen ‘Det Sorte Vand’ Copenhagen
3rd February Berghain CTM Festival Berlin
10th February Leipzig
25th February Inkonst Malmø
4th March Elevate Festival, Graz, Austria
18th March Trauma, Madrid
1st April Rewire Festival, Haag, Netherlands
16th April Danish Deejay Awards, Copenhagen
4th May – France, Montpellier with Death In Vegas
5th May – France, Perpignan with Death In Vegas
6th May Syncussion Festival (duo with percussionist) Radial System V, Berlin
19th May Corsica Studios, CS13, London3rd June Riga, Latvia
16th June Radar, aarhus, DK
30th June Roskilde Festival, Guest Artist Orange stage, DK
26th July Krake / Lunchmeat showcase, Berlin
12th August Flow Festival, Helsinki13th August Flow Festival, Ambient set, Helsinki
9th September, Gaudeamus Muziekweek, Utrecht, Netherlands
10th September Enschede, Netherlands
14th September, Enigma, Installation Restart Refrain, Cph. DK
22nd September, Copenhagen Contemporary, Cph, DK
5Th October Budapest
7th October Salzburg
10th October Premiere EURYDIKE, Installation,VR experience, Munich, Germany
27th October Tromsø, Norway
28th October EKKO Festival, Bergen, Norway
17th November, Inscape, Liquid Club Malta
2nd December Radar, Århus, DK



11th of December_Berghain Birthday_Ambient Berlin
4th of December_STOF #4 Copenhagen
26th of November_CS13_CONTORT night_UK_London
11th of November_ Sound of Stockholm Festival_Stockholm
14h of October_Lunchmeat_Prag
24th of September – Today’s art festival_NL_Haag
16th of September_Premiere Ødipus Stadt_Lucerne Theater_Luzern_CH
2nd of September_Club KegalBahn_Luzern_CH
8th of August_Cisternerne_STRØM Festival_Copenhagen_DK
1st of July_Vienna Real Deal Festival_Austria
19th of June_TRESOR_RBMA_Berlin_DE


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